Microsoft Teams Recordings Now Expire in Sixty Days: eDiscovery Trends

It’s a three-post day! Had to cover this terrific tidbit of information. According to Kraft Kennedy, Microsoft Teams recordings now expire in sixty days, which means you’ll need to be prepared to address that from an eDiscovery perspective.

The post (Microsoft Teams Meeting Recording Auto-Expiration, written by Marcus Bluestein) notes that Microsoft has implemented a new default expiration policy for Teams recordings.  If no action is taken at the admin level, NEW recordings older than 60 days will be deleted.

Kraft Kennedy shared their Microsoft Teams admin center settings before they made any changes the default settings, as follows:

Courtesy of Kraft Kennedy

The importance of audio and video ESI has risen sharply since the pandemic with all of the remote meetings and the propensity for organizations to record them (because they can). So, add Microsoft Teams to the list of applications for which you need to suspend automatic destruction when the duty to preserve hits for litigation. Plus, you need to consider how long of a retention period you want for general information governance purposes.

Kudos to the Kraft Kennedy team for sharing useful information about the retention of Microsoft Teams recordings!

So, what do you think?  How will the change in retention of Microsoft Teams recordings affect your organization? Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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