Ten Insider Threat Stats

Ten Insider Threat Stats to Know to Protect Your Data: Cybersecurity Trends

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and when it comes to protecting your organization, here are ten insider threat stats to know in order to protect your data.

Ten Insider Threat Stats to Know to Protect Your Data

  1. Insider threats have increased by 44% in 2022.
  2. 83% of former employees said they continued accessing accounts from their previous employer after leaving the company.
  3. 56% of former employees said they had used their continued digital access to harm their former employer.
  4. Insider incidents perpetrated by trusted business partners can be up to 25% across all insider incident types and industry sectors.
  5. 85% of organizations say that they find it difficult to determine the actual damage of an insider attack.
  6. 71% of IT decision makers in the US and UK said the Great Resignation has increased security risks at their companies.
  7. 40% of American employees say they had taken data with them with they left their old jobs.
  8. Businesses in the US encounter about 2,500 internal security breaches every day.
  9. 74% of employers said they have been negatively impacted by an employee breaching their digital security.
  10. Every year, more than 34% of businesses worldwide are affected by insider threats.

Insider threats tend to be overlooked in an organization’s data protection program. You can’t just protect against outside hackers – insider threats are just as prevalent.


One insider threat risk is the potential for employees to access and steal your organization’s intellectual property. These three litigation cases illustrate what can happen.

So, what do you think? Were you aware of these ten insider threat stats? Now you are! Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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